10% of cross-border online shopping products GST | Australian government to sell it?

The Australian government is pursuing a plan to abolish the excise tax on Australian cross-border online shopping, which means that Australian cross-border net buyers will pay a certain percentage of GST (GST) ).

As early as last year, media reports reported that Australian domestic retailers had always believed that they could not compete fairly with overseas retailers because they needed to pay 10% of GST for all products, while cross-border electricity firms bypassed tax As the cross - border growth, which also shook the Australian government for cross - border netizens exempt from tax policy.

At present, however, according to the Australian customs regulations, Australian consumers in the purchase of less than 1,000 US dollars worth of imported goods still do not have to pay GST, including clothing, books, electronic equipment and sports equipment and other products.

GST is the Good and Service Tax, which is required to pay GST, typically 10% of sales when the seller sells goods and provides services in Australia. = (Value of goods + sea freight (20USD / CBM) + insurance + tariff) x 10%.

In addition, GST can also be deducted, that is, the seller in the provision of sales when the consumer's tax (GST collected), you can deduct the purchase of goods or services when someone else pay the tax (GST paid), and ultimately need to pay to the Inland Revenue Department ATO is: the seller collects the tax of the consumer - the tax paid for the purchase of goods or services.

It is worth noting that if the seller's annual income does not exceed $ 75 million, you can not register GST.

However, according to eBay stakeholders, the Australian government hopes that the 10% tax revenue from the platform to collect, which will lead to even if the annual income of not more than 75,000 million sellers also need to pay GST.

But before the government did not produce a formal notice, everything has not yet reached a conclusion, but the export of Australian sellers still need to pay more attention.

2016 GoodChinaBrand | ICP: 12011751 | China Exports